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What personal information do we store about you?

What do we do to ensure your information remains private?

What can you do to ensure your information remains private?

Do we make your personal information available to others?

Who has access to your information?

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About BenefitsView®

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Your information is your information.
We intend to keep it that way.

BenefitsView, LLC offers you valuable services. By working closely with your company, we can design tailor-made benefits plans and continually monitor them for compliance. Through the BenefitsView® website, we provide each plan participant timely benefits information and financial data. Additionally, the BenefitsView® website offers your company a central and streamlined service designed to collect and manage human resources information, such as employee contact information, accrued vacation time and policy manuals.

While we offer a valuable and unique service, the information we collect and make available through BenefitsView® is personal and sensitive. Understandably, you may have questions about how secure your information really is, especially since it is available over the internet on BenefitsView®. This privacy statement explains what information we collect and store, what we do and don't do with your information, how we secure your information, and what you can do to ensure your information remains secure and private. If you have any questions that are not answered here, please do not hesitate to email the webmaster.

What information do we store about you?
BenefitsView, LLC manages human resources and benefits-related information for you and your company. When you or your company shares pertinent information with us, we store it in our secure database. We use this information only to provide you and your company with our services, including benefits statements and compliance measures.

Additionally, we make this information available to you via our website, BenefitsView®. When you use BenefitsView®, additional information may be stored or monitored, such as any cookies you choose to accept or communications sent by your browser to our server. Any information stored in cookies is done so solely for your convenenience, and any information we monitor is solely for maintaining the integrity of our site.

For a more complete description of what information we store and monitor, please review the following listing. Please note the listing is not exhaustive.
    Employment/Human Resources-Related Information
    • Name, Address, Telephone Number
    • Social Security Number
    • Date of Hire

    Benefits-Related Information
    • Salary

    BenefitsView® Website Information
    • UserID and Password.  Your UserID and Password are stored in our secure database in order to enforce a log-in procedure when visiting our website. When you log in, your UserID and Password are validated against our database and either accepted or denied. Your UserID and Password are not stored anywhere but our database, allowing us to enforce strict log-in guidelines.

    • Cookies.  Should you accept our cookies, you may be storing your "view" preference and/or your log-in status. Note, however, that your UserID and Password are NOT stored in this cookie. For more information, please review our cookie description.

    • Browser-Server Communication.  When visiting a website, your browser automates the process of requesting and displaying web pages. The browser performs this automatic communication invisibly. We log every request made to our server in order to maintain its stability and security. This communication may be also be used to track aggregate traffic on our website, but can not be used to identify particular visitors.

    • E-Mail.  E-mail communication is offered as a convenience to visitors of our site. Communication sent to us from our website using our form is secure. Your e-mail is then sent directly to BenefitsView, LLC and automatically routed to the employee who is best equipped to address your concern. However, our replies via e-mail are NOT secure, nor can we control of who has access to them once we have sent them. For your protection, we avoid releasing private or sensitive data via e-mail.

      If you send us e-mail without using our form, we strongly suggest you not include any financial information. If you are not using our form to send e-mail, it is likely that your message is not sent securely, and includes information that identifies you, including your e-mail address and name.

    • Planning Tools.  There are several tools we make available to you through our website, such as spreadsheets that help you plan your 401(k) contributions. These tools are offered for your convenience only, and do not record or capture any information you provide.

    • Bulletin Boards.  Depending on the configuration of your company's BenefitsView® site, you may have the opportunity to post messages to a bulletin board service open to all site participants. When you post a message, your first name is automatically included as the author of the message.

How do we ensure your privacy?
We are committed to making sure your private information is as secure as possible. We implement secure technologies and policies designed to secure your information both online, such as Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption, and offline, such as storing our server in a locked room.

For a more complete description of what steps we take to ensure the security of your private information, please review the following listing.
    Online Security
    • Secure Socket Layer (SSL).  We use SSL technology to encrypt any communication between our server and your browser. In general, when you submit information to or request information from a website on the internet, that information is sent over several computers between you and the website. While difficult, it is conceivable that a third party could intercept this information. SSL protects your private information by scrambling it according to a mathematical algorithm, then descrambling it when it reaches its destination.

      If you would like to learn more about SSL technology, we suggest you start by reviewing the Webopedia's definition of SSL. Clicking on this link will lead outside of BenefitsView® and open in a new browser window; to return, simply close the new window.

    • Log-in Procedure.  We require each BenefitsView® participant to supply his or her unique UserID and Password when entering our site. Other people cannot access your information without your UserID and Password.
      It is important that you keep your UserID and Password in a safe place and not share them with anyone. Read more.

    Offline Security
    • Access to our Server.  We store your information on a secure computer kept in a locked office and constantly monitored during the day. We employ security measures on the computer itself, including automatic log-on procedures and firewall protection.

    • Employee Access to Information.  In order to provide you our benefits and human resources management services, some of our employees must have access to your information. However, out of respect for the privacy and sensitivity of your information, we restrict access to only those employees who require it as part of their job description. Additionally, we require all employees to sign a confidentiality agreement.

What can you do to ensure your private information remains secure?
Your UserID and Password are important pieces of information. When you log in to BenefitsView®, our server checks your UserID and Password against our database of valid users, then either grants or denies you access accordingly. Additionally, our server tailors the information it provides to you based on what UserID you use to log in with.

It is very important to keep your UserID and Password in a safe place! It is possible for someone to access your private and sensitive information if they obtain your UserID and Password. If you misplace your UserID and Password, or suspect that someone else is using it, it is important that you let us know immediately!

Remember that you are obligated under your service agreement to not share your UserID or Password with anyone. You may also be held liable for any damages caused by someone using your UserID and Password to access BenefitsView®. We take your privacy very seriously; we suggest you do the same.

You should also exercise caution when using websites or software programs that record your UserID and Password for multiple websites. Although such services may be attractive because they automate your log-in process for a number of websites, they also possibly make your log-in information available to others.

Bottom line:
Every time you share your UserID and Password with any person, website, software program or other entity, you risk compromising your private information. The best policy to follow is not sharing your UserID and Password at all! Additionally, each time you visit BenefitsView®, remember to use the logout link and close your browser window. Read why.

Do we make your information available to others?
Absolutely not. We provide this website solely as a service to you, not as a marketing tool or a source of revenue. Many websites maintain a list of subscribers or members and sell that list to marketing firms for additional revenue. Because we respect your privacy, we do not give your information to any such firms.

Who has access to your information?
It is our policy to not release your information to anyone without your prior consent. There are certain circumstances, however, where others may have access to your information. Some of our employees must access your information in order to provide you with our services. Certain key members of your employer, such as Director of Human Resources, may have access to your information, restricted to only what is pertinent to that person's position. Additionally, should proper authorities with valid legal documents require your information, we may be bound to cooperate and may not be able to provide you with prior warning.
Should you have a question concerning the privacy of your information or concerns with who has access to it, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Following links that lead to web pages outside BenefitsView®.
Some links that we provide for you lead to web pages that are not a part of BenefitsView®. These links (referred to as "outside links") are provided for your convenience, and often lead to further information about a particular subject. Outside links are generally labelled and usually open in a new browser window. Please note that this privacy agreement applies only to BenefitsView®, NOT to any outside links we may provide. You are encouraged to read any privacy agreements offered by any website you visit on the internet. Please read our terms and conditions for more information on our policy on outside links.

CopyrightŠ 1999-2003  BenefitsView, LLC.  All Rights Reserved.