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About BenefitsView®.com

We Understand

As a smaller employer you face most of the same legal burdens and competitive pressures as large employers, but cannot afford a large human resources department. We understand that:

  • You don't make money administering benefits and filing legal forms.
  • You do need to attract and retain good employees.
  • You are looking for ways to control benefit costs, not increase them.
  • The benefits design and administration you choose can help or hurt your business.

Your Needs Are Met

We have developed a collection of resources designed for small employers (under 500 employees) that will help your company convert your benefits program from an administrative headache into a competitive advantage.
Through creative attention to your objectives and situation, we can tailor benefits programs and policies that will maximize their impact and minimize your administrative burdens. Then we can keep your programs and policies on track and up-to-date. And because communication is critical to successful benefit arrangements, we can provide timely, understandable, and attractive information on the web and in print, so that your employees are aware of all that you provide.

Our Skills Make The Difference

We offer the expertise, experience, focus, and independence that will make your benefits structure what it should be: a tool of your competitiveness. Our expertise includes the skills of attorneys, former IRS personnel, and human resource professionals. In the more than twenty years that members of our staff have been involved in benefits work, they have been engaged to assist in every aspect of benefits design, administration, audit defense, and litigation. By limiting our services to smaller employers, we have developed expertise on the issues and opportunities that face them. And by maintaining our independence (we sell no products and offer only benefits and human resource support services), we provide unbiased, client-focused attention to address your every need.

We Can Help:

  • Dramatically reduce the time your staff spends on your benefit plans.
  • Save money by focusing benefits on key employees and others who value them.
  • Provide Human Resource tools that will cut your administrative expenses.
  • Create and maintain an inexpensive, private website for your employees.
  • Meet your deadlines, not just those imposed by regulatory requirements.
  • Integrate your benefit information from all providers into a single source.
  • Simplify paperwork on new hires for both you and the employee.
  • Create a Policy Manual (online, in print or both), and keep it up-to-date.
  • Design benefit plans that meet your objectives at the lowest total cost.
  • Deliver timely plan reports and information to you and your employees.

Comprehensive Benefits Services

Plan Design - Creative and efficient designs to accomplish your goals. 401(k), profit-sharing, and other qualified plans; cafeteria plans; other compensation arrangements.

Plan Administration - Timely delivery of information and reports; careful attention to legal compliance; individual attention designed to shift administrative burdens from your staff to us and reduce your costs.

Plan Documentation - IRS pre-approved documents that maximize design flexibility, simplify administration, and increase efficiency.

Human Resource Support - Powerful, money-saving tools to help you not only reduce administrative burdens but also comply with legal requirements.

Compliance Review - Issue-specific or comprehensive review of plans and policies.

Benefits Consulting - Comprehensive assessments of benefit structures, audit support, litigation support, potential quali-fication issues, and plan efficiency analysis.

Human Resources Relief Is Here

Reduce costs, improve employee morale, and give your staff (or yourself) the support they need.
Our online (and print) offerings include:

  • Secure employee access to benefits information anytime.
  • Forms for retirement plans, insurance, vacation, and other leave - to be printed, filled-in, emailed or included in reports for the employer.
  • Combined statements for plan investments from diverse sources such as traditional brokerage accounts, mutual funds, managed accounts, annuities, partnership interests, and trust department funds.
  • Policy and personnel manuals, calendars, announcements, plan documentation, and plan summaries.
An example: A new hire logs onto your secure BenefitsView website and finds your company logo and information readily available. They fill in a basic information form that passes this information to their I-9 and W-4 forms (and State equivalent), as well as the company's health insurance signup, confidentiality agreement and other forms you choose.
Besides allowing the printing of those forms, the site also adds their information to a database (useable by the managers you select) and produces printed and electronic files that can be transmitted to your insurance providers, payroll company and your bookkeeper. The employee can also read and print an up-to-date edition of your policy manual.
Existing employees can also access and update their basic information and utilize the other resources listed, as well as others, including their 401(k) balances and available leave time.

See For Yourself What BenefitsView® Can Do For You.

To view a demonstration of BenefitsView®, simply let us know you're interested by filling out our online form. Within five business days you will receive a package of information about BenefitsView® including a demo UserID and Password.

See for yourself how BenefitsView® can benefit your company today!

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